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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bread Car

No, I'm not talking about a lame car that's made of bread, but I know what you guys are all going to say when you finish reading this post--"Yes, I WOULD buy bread from that car!" Okay, check this out...

L. Woods and I go to lunch quite often and we almost always take the 101. There's an access road that runs right next to the freeway. A couple months ago, I noticed that I frequently saw a white car that drove along the access road on the way back to the office. I named it "The Bread Car." When you see it, you'll know why:

Right? I would totally buy bread from that car! Can you imagine a bread service that brings you fresh baguettes every other day? I would pay for that, especially if they delivered the bread in The Bread Car. Anywho, L. Woods has since seen a moldy bread car and, yesterday, I saw a pumpernickel bread car.

I know what you're thinking right now.

"Hm, yes, I WOULD buy bread from that car!"


  1. Don't make fun of the bread car. It is very environment. Ugly, but environmental.
