Instructions for Commenting

1) Make up a name--don't use your real name.
2) Make sure to put your fake name in your comment somewhere.
3) Use the same fake name each time so we all know who's saying what.
4) Regular commenters will be included in the Friends of the Warren list.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Birthday to Sushi and ogunsgirl !

Hello Kitty, you are the best kitty in the world. Your smiley face and judgmental eyes are always in my heart. I hope you have found new friends in Kitty Paradise. Momma will be there in several decades and then we can play all day! I love you! In the meantime, feast on this:

To my dear friend ogunsgirl, what a year! Here's to another 7 years of friendship!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Coworker <3

by Cl. Panic, TWONNCotY

The firm formerly known as Nu Nu & Nu, LLP recently demanded my immediate and substantial attention in Central Desertland, home of a baseball team currently ranked lower than the San Francisco Giants. I packed up and shipped out on short notice, with no time to arrange my own privisions.

Low and behold, FedEx found me, bearing gifts from the homeland. Thanks to my thoughtful coworkers, I was showered with fresh-baked cookies and a smörgåsbord board of snacks and treats. Nothing like treats from home.

My remote feed closet is now stocked and ready for action!

Thanks for the <3

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bread Car

No, I'm not talking about a lame car that's made of bread, but I know what you guys are all going to say when you finish reading this post--"Yes, I WOULD buy bread from that car!" Okay, check this out...

L. Woods and I go to lunch quite often and we almost always take the 101. There's an access road that runs right next to the freeway. A couple months ago, I noticed that I frequently saw a white car that drove along the access road on the way back to the office. I named it "The Bread Car." When you see it, you'll know why:

Right? I would totally buy bread from that car! Can you imagine a bread service that brings you fresh baguettes every other day? I would pay for that, especially if they delivered the bread in The Bread Car. Anywho, L. Woods has since seen a moldy bread car and, yesterday, I saw a pumpernickel bread car.

I know what you're thinking right now.

"Hm, yes, I WOULD buy bread from that car!"