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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lion's First Gig

Many of you have met and developed a deep devotion to Lion, Kashy's brother.  Here is a recent photo of my two boys hanging out at the Nu Warren on a sunny Saturday afternoon:

Lion also joined us in Georgia where he had the best seat in the car on our roadtrips:

Lion is normally a quiet fellow, making him a wonderful sleeping companion.  On the trip, his heart was broken by Ca Loc who said that he didn't have the air of a lion, that his mane was too short, and that his expression not ferocious enough.

This weighed heavily on Lion's mind.  When he got home from Georgia, he was even quieter than usual.  The Nus thought there was something brewing but we didn't know what.  We asked him gently, because Lion is a gentle spirit, but all he'd say was that he had "a gig lined up."  Then, last week, he disappeared for an entire afternoon.  Well, now we know what happened.  Check out Lion's gig!  Look at that fierce look in Lion's eye!  I know he made Tyra Banks proud.


  1. FINALLY THE QUIET ONE CAN NO LONGER BE KEPT SILIENT. HE HAS rrrooooaaaarrr....... Warmest welcome to our new member. I have to say that he is the gentlest CAT I've ever met. For me, gentle is good. ha ha Wah Toh

  2. Whoa...what a transformation, did you have to kiss him like the pricess and the frog?

  3. Oh, if dad sees it, he will say,"tum guay sik tofu."
