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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Transformation is COMPLETE

It all started with The Green Machine, my iPod Shuffle.  I was so happy to get it!  I'm still using it to listen to audiobooks when I go running.

Then, I got Paddy, the iPad.  Wow.  I haven't had my own computer since, well, since college (which is a long time ago).

Tonight, Mr. Nonny Nu surprised me with a brand new MacBook Pro!!

My transformation from PC user to Apple user is finally complete.  I love it!

P.S.  I just sent my first email to L. Woods from my MacBook!  I'm still thinking of what to name her.  I know it's a her.  I can feel it!


  1. Mwahahahahah!

    Is Mr. NN doing one of those get rich from home schemes?

    Congrats. I'm a bit jealous.

  2. This is so exciting, NN!! Congrats on your new addition!

  3. yes, when he discovers away around incarceration.

    it's rough seas out there, man. i'm like --><-- this close to cranking up an old-fashioned neighborhood pyramid.

  4. Mr. Nonny Nu, I'll join your pyramid!

  5. you can't. it'd be like selling amway to myself.

  6. Maybe I have a separate stash of carrots that you don't know about...?

  7. Call me when you need a lawyer following your pyramid, assuming you have money left to pay for defense counsel.
