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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fowl Play

by Cl. Panic, TWONNCOTY

For a while now, we've entertained an occasional visitor from down the street. I think I first spotted our friend crossing the road about a year ago. I initially took her sighting as a sign that I should just get back in bed and not go to work. After all, what's with an urban chicken crossing the road? She disappeared for a while (we suspected the local restaurant), but turned up again. And lately she's taken to lounging in our bushes and driveways. A-dog is convinced that she's just being fattened up for her slaughter, but I like to think she's an egg layer and soil tiller.

Anyhow, this morning on the way to work we found two ducks roaming down our alley. Ducks? Really? We've yet to determine where they came from. They are definitely new since they're still a bit skittish (and did not agree to a photograph like our friendly chicken).

I think that GTMcG may be onto something with her new business plan.

Oh, we are accepting submissions for names for our new friends. I have been informed that Tikkamasala is "inappropriate."


  1. Holy cow! <---hahahahaa!!

    Okay, but seriously, I think it's lovely that you have a chicken and ducks in your neighborhood. We only have dogs and cats over in our corner. But, a month ago, when I was visiting a Mexican food restaurant over on that big street where Nu, Nu, & Nu LLP used to be, I saw a duck in the parking lot! He was just walking around. He wasn't a mallard, but the big kind, grey with a long neck. Oh, now that I think about it, he might have been a goose. Anywho, it's something winged that can be cooked and eaten. That's all you need to know. know, Wah Toh might be a good source for that because she has chickens (posting that later). But, I propose to name the chicken "Gertrude."

  2. I like the title Fowl Play. Since i have been raising some, 7 to be exact fowls myself, i think they are very adorable creatures. You can buy a bag of bird seeds and treat your new friend. WAh Toh

  3. The chicken lives! I am so happy!!! I wish I had a neighborhood chicken.

  4. Looks like all you need is a guy from Samwoo and you'll have a tasty si-yau gai and siu ngap. (soy sauce chick and roast duck). Wait, if you play your cards right, you can have a dozen of low-sui-dan (soy sauce egg). Yummy... MP
