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1) Make up a name--don't use your real name.
2) Make sure to put your fake name in your comment somewhere.
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Friday, April 2, 2010

Birthday Wishes for A-dog

It's The Nu Warren's first birthday celebration.

Happy birthday to A-dog!  Here's to another 18 years.

(to be updated to Apr. 2, A-dog's actual birthdate)


  1. Happy birth-day. Nu-Warren.
    Is that a real dog. What does he look like.

  2. No, A-dog is __________'s family or adult associate (soon to be family associate!).

  3. april one the tool
    "here, sit down," she moves the stool
    a-dog is no fool!

    but we knew that all along! happy birthday a-dog!


  4. April One is definitely a tool, Mr. Nonny Nu!

    Happy Birthday, A-dog!

  5. why must you hog the spotlight? every time i step up to the mic, you always seem to be around to pluck it from my hands, ask the audience to courtesy applaud me, and then push me offstage.

    all i was trying to do was wish a-dog a happy birthday, but you had to go and ruin it all! slaps to the right of me, backhands to the left of me! i've had it! do you understand? had it!!

    btw, when is dinner?


  6. *claps*

    Thank you for that dramatic reading, bb! I'm sure everyone enjoyed it!

    Now, for the next act...

    *flips upside down*
    *balances rabbitself on ears*
    *flips rightside up*

    ta da!
